Order Status
Orders are usually processed within 1-4 days of placing your order. If you have not received an email confirmation of your order please contact us immediately. Additionally, while waiting for your order to be processed please wait 5 days before contacting any of our store staff to discuss the status of your order. Although we are an online boutique, our store and shipping location is not open 24/7. With that, we process our orders on a first come first serve basis and do our best to work with our local Canada Post outlet to ensure a timely turn around time.
Back Orders- It's possible that once your order is placed that one or more of your items might not be in stock. If this is the case, you will be contacted by one of our store staff. Unfortunately, back orders are often out of our hands as we're waiting for shipments from our suppliers. We know you're anxious for your products and we appreciate your understanding and patience.
If you have any questions email us at, elizabeth@themelonpatch.com
Thanks for shopping with us!